ACE 2018 Salt Lake City

Contact Information

* FirstName/Forename (will appear on badge)
* Last/Surname (will appear on badge)
* Company/University (will appear on badge)
Day Time Number
Cell/Mobile Number
* E-mail
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
* City (will appear on badge)
Zip/ Postal Code
State (will appear on badge)
* Country
* Country of Citizenship
* Primary Emergency Contact Name
* Relationship
Emergency Contact Home Telephone
* Emergency Contact Cell/Mobile Number
List any Medical Conditions/Allergies you may have
I need a letter for Visa purposes

*I certify that the above information is true and correct.

Demographic Information

*Society Memberships (Check all that apply):
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists (AASP)
Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG) Circum-Pacific Council for Energy & Minerals Resources, Inc. (CPC)
The Geological Society of London (GSL) Geological Society of America (GSA)
Houston Geological Society (HGS) International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG)
National Association of Black Geoscientists (NABG) Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists (SIPES)
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Society of Petrophysicists & Well Log Analysts (SPWLA)
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP) None of the above
I am a (Check all that apply):
Field Trip Leader
Poster Presenter
Session Chair
Short Course Instructor
*Which best describes your position?
Vice President
Independent Consultant
Independent Owner/Operator
Staff Employee
Please Specify:
*Which best describes your occupation?
Academic Engineer
Geologist Geophysicist
Landman Other
Please Specify:
24 and under 25-29
30-39 40-49
50-59 60-69
Special Needs?
Wheelchair Accessible
Wheelchair Rental
Other Dietary
Please Specify:
*Volunteer judges are needed for all technical sessions! The scores awarded by judges are used to determine the winners of “Best Poster” and “Best Oral Presentation” awards in various categories. Scores are also used to compile “best of” sessions for future conferences, to provide suggestions for AAPG Bulletin content, and by local societies looking for recommended speakers. Would you like to contribute by serving as a judge?
Contact later
How many sessions are you willing to judge?
First choice for judging
Second choice for judging
Third choice for judging
Fourth choice for judging
Fifth choice for judging
Sixth choice for judging

There are errors in your form, see details above!

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