Contact Information

*Priority Code:
*Name of Host Organization:
*First Name/Forename:
*Last Name:
Cell Phone
Cell Phone
Please provide your mobile device number to help facilitate communications in the case of an emergency. By entering in your mobile phone number, you agree to receive messages via SMS/MMS.
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
*Country of Residence:
Country of Citizenship:
Primary Emergency Contact Name:
Emergency Contact Relationship:
Emergency Contact Cell Number:
List any Medical Conditions/Allergies you may have:
*Click here to indicate that you have read and will comply with IMAGE's Code of Conduct

Demographic Information

*Member of the following? (Check all that apply)
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
Society for Sedimentary Geology (SEPM) None of the above
*Which best describes your profession:
*Job Title:
*Industry Sector: Which sectors do you most closely associate with? (Check all that apply)
Oil & gas
Other renewables
Earth sciences general (e.g., geology, geophysics, etc.)
Mining/Mineral Exploration
Environmental Geophysics
Engineering Geophysics
*Race/Ethnicity:(Check all that apply)
Asian or Asian American
Black, African, African-American or Afro-Caribbean
Hispanic, Latinx, Latino, Latina, or Spanish Origin
Indigenous Peoples
Middle Eastern or North African
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Native of Indian Subcontinent
White, Euro-American, or European
Not listed
Prefer not to answer
What (if any) are your special needs? (Check all that apply)
Wheelchair Rental
Wheelchair Accessible
Gluten Free
Other Dietary
Please specify
*Do you wish to receive further communication from IMAGE regarding specific event information or future event information

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