Demographic Information
If you require accommodations for a disability to participate at the Expo (such as American Sign Language interpretation, Braille, electronic format, etc.), please indicate as many as apply below before November 10, 2023.
*Are you a healthcare professional?
*How did you find out about Abilities Expo? (Check all that apply.)
If you heard about Abilities Expo through social media, check all that apply.
*Are you a person with a disability?
If yes, is the disability: (check all that apply)
If you are not a person with a disability, are you a...?(check all that apply):
*Have you attended a past Abilities Expo?
*Why did you decide to visit Abilities Expo? (Check all that apply.)
*What is your age?
*In the next 12 months or sooner, do you intend to purchase any of the following? (check all that apply)
Click here if you would prefer NOT to receive the Abilities Buzz, an e-newsletter that conveys valuable information about people with disabilities and Abilities Expo events.