Privacy: Abilities Expo does not sell or share your contact information. We will use it to keep you informed about Abilities events in your area, as well as important disability-focused issues and products.
Photographs/Videos: By registering for this event, attendees and their guests understand that Abilities may take photographs/video of them, and any photographs/video taken by show management during the Expo may be used for future promotions and communications.
Visas: Abilities Expo is free to the public and all are welcome. For potential international visitors you're also very welcome, however, we are unable to issue letters of invitation for the purposes of securing a Visa into the United States.
Disclaimer: The inclusion of any advertising, photographs, likenesses, logos or website links provided by any third-party on any or Abilities Expo or any other 5NET4 Productions (hereinafter referred to as Abilities) websites, or in any Abilities electronic or print publications, newsletters or other related materials are provided by Abilities for your convenience only. Any statements and/or claims made in such advertising or third party materials are solely that of the entity purchasing booth space and/or digital or print advertising space and is the author of such materials. Abilities does not evaluate any exhibitor or advertiser products or services nor do they assess any promotional claims.
Neither the appearance of any products or services at any Abilities shows, Websites, publications or newsletters, nor reference to any products or services therein, shall in anyway whatsoever constitutes a guarantee, warranty or endorsement by Abilities of the quality, merchantability, functionality or value of such products or services, or of any claims made by the manufacturers, retailers or representatives of such products or services.